Machine Learning
Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.
ML Track 1: ML Programmer
ML Track 2: DL Programmer
ML Track 3: ML Engineer
ML Track 4: ML Architect
AWS Certified Machine Learning
This is a self-paced program. Self-paced programs create a unique learning experience that allows students to learn independently and at a pace that best suits them.
This program prepares the student to take the AWS Certified Machine Learning certification exam.
The cost of the certification exam is included in the tuition.
The certification exam is not a requirement for graduation. Vendor certifications are at the student’s expense. Vouchers may be available depending on the student’s funding and financial aid.
Tuition: $2,497
Duration: 121 Hours (includes 30 hours of virtual practice labs)
Includes e-books, virtual practice labs, bootcamp, mentoring, and exam review questions for the AWS Certified Machine Learning Exam.
Students have full online access to the program for 1 year.
Prerequisites: HS Diploma/GED, basic PC skills and familiarity with the Internet
Occupational Objectives: Machine Learning Engineer, Software Developer
To learn more about ETI’s tuition and financial aid options, click here.
COURSE Outline
ML Programmer
23 hours lecture + 8 hours virtual practice lab
NLP for ML with Python: NLP Using Python and NLTK
NLP for ML with Python: Advanced NLP Using spaCy and Scikit-learn
Linear Algebra and Probability: Fundamentals of Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra and Probability: Advanced Linear Algebra
Linear Regression Models: Introduction to Linear Regression
Linear Regression Models: Building Simple Regression Models with Scikit Learn and Keras
Linear Regression Models: Multiple and Parsimonious Linear Regression
Linear Regression Models: An Introduction to Logistic Regression
Linear Regression Models: Simplifying Regression and Classification with Estimators
Computational Theory: Language Principle & Finite Automata Theory
Computational Theory: Using Turing, Transducers, & Complexity Classes
Model Management: Building Machine Learning Models & Pipelines
Model Management: Building & Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production
Bayesian Methods: Bayesian Concepts and Core Components
Bayesian Methods: Implementing Bayesian Model and Computation with PyMC
Bayesian Methods: Advanced Bayesian Computation Model
Reinforcement Learning: Essentials
Reinforcement Learning: Tools & Frameworks
Math for Data Science & Machine Learning
Building ML Training Sets: Introduction
Building ML Training Sets: Preprocessing Datasets for Linear Regression
Building ML Training Sets: Preprocessing Datasets for Classification
Linear Model and Gradient Descent: Managing Linear Models
Linear Model and Gradient Descent: Gradient Descent and Regularization
Final Exam: ML Programmer
DL Programmer
22 hours lecture + 8 hours virtual practice lab
Getting Started with Neural Networks: Biological & Artificial Neural Networks
Getting Started with Neural Networks: Perceptrons & Neural Network Algorithms
Building Neural Networks: Development Principles
Building Neural Networks: Artificial Neural Networks Using Frameworks
Training Neural Networks: Implementing the Learning Process
Training Neural Networks: Advanced Learning Algorithms
Improving Neural Networks: Neural Network Performance Management
Improving Neural Networks: Loss Function and Optimization
Improving Neural Networks: Data Scaling and Regularization
ConvNets: Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
ConvNets: Working with Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks: Fundamentals
Convolutional Neural Networks: Implementing & Training
Convo Nets for Visual Recognition: Filters and Features Mapping in CNN
Convo Nets for Visual Recognition: Computer Vision and CNN Architectures
Fundamentals of Sequence Model: Artificial Neural Network & Sequence Modeling
Fundamentals of Sequence Model: Language Model & Modeling Algorithms
Build & Train RNNs: Neural Network Components
Build & Train RNNs: Implementing Recurrent Neural Networks
ML Algorithms: Multivariate Calculation & Algorithms
ML Algorithms: Machine Learning Implementation Using Calculus & Probability
Final Exam: DL Programmer
ML Engineer
17 hours lecture + 8 hours virtual practice lab
Predictive Modeling: Predictive Analytics and Exploratory Data Analysis
Predictive Modeling: Implementing Predictive Models Using Visualizations
Predictive Modeling Best Practices: Applying Predictive Analytics
Planning AI Implementation
Automation Design and Robotics
ML/DL in the Enterprise: Machine Learning Modeling, Development, & Deployment
ML/DL in the Enterprise: Machine Learning Infrastructure & Metamodel
Enterprises Services: Enterprise Machine Learning with AWS
Enterprises Services: Machine Learning Implementation on Microsoft Azure
Enterprises Services: Machine Learning Implementation on Google Cloud Platform
Architecting Balance: Designing Hybrid Cloud Solutions
Enterprise Architecture: Architectural Principles and Patterns
Enterprise Architecture: Design Architecture for Machine Learning Applications
Architecting Balance: Hybrid Cloud Implementation with AWS and Azure
Refactoring ML/DL Algorithms: Techniques and Principles
Refactoring ML/DL Algorithms: Refactor Machine Learning Algorithms
Final Exam: ML Engineer
ML Architect
13 hours lecture + 6 hours virtual practice lab
Applied Predictive Modeling
Implementing Deep Learning: Practical Deep Learning Using Frameworks and Tools
Implementing Deep Learning: Optimized Deep Learning Applications
Applied Deep Learning: Unsupervised Data
Applied Deep Learning: Generative Adversarial Networks and Q-Learning
Advanced Reinforcement Learning: Principles
Advanced Reinforcement Learning: Implementation
ML/DL Best Practices: Machine Learning and Workflow Best Practices
ML/DL Best Practices: Building Pipelines with Applied Rules
Research Topics in ML and DL
Deep Learning with Keras
Final Exam: ML Architect
AWS Certified Machine Learning
This course is an Amazon Web Services product that allows a developer to discover patterns in end-user data through algorithms, construct mathematical models based on these patterns and then create and implement predictive applications.
16 hours
Data Engineering, Machine Learning, & AWS
Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service
Data Movement
Data Pipelines & Workflows
Jupyter Notebook & Python
Data Analysis Fundamentals
Athena, QuickSight, & EMR
Feature Engineering Overview
Feature Engineering Techniques
Problem Framing & Algorithm Selection
Machine Learning & SageMaker
ML Algorithms in SageMaker
Advanced SageMaker Functionality
AI/ML Services
Problem Formulation & Data Collection
Data Preparation & SageMaker Security
Model Training & Evaluation
AI Services & SageMaker Applications