How Do I Pay Tuition?
Self-funded students who will not be using an outside funding source may pay their tuition via PayPal. By doing so, they will not need to share their financial information with us. PayPal allows you to make payments using a variety of methods including debit, credit, or a bank account.
Tuition for each program is listed on the program’s page.
When do i get billed?
Once a student has submitted their registration form, the admissions team will contact them with next steps. For students who are self-funded, or using a payment plan with ETI, the billing team will send a PayPal invoice directly to their email prior to the program start.
Payment Plans for Online Programs
Payment Plans are available to all students at ETI. Our admissions office works with each student to create a payment plan that works best for them.

Outside Funding Sources
ETI works with several organizations to provide education funding for our students.
ETI students may qualify for funding through ACCES-VR, which assists individuals with disabilities to achieve and maintain employment and to support independent living through training, education, rehabilitation, and career development. ACCES-VR offices are located throughout New York State. Learn more >
Meritize Loans
We have partnered with the Meritize Platform to provide our students with financing options to fund your education.
Military Spouses (MYCAA SCHOLARSHIP)
The My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) scholarship is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 in financial assistance to eligible military spouses who are pursuing a license, certification or Associate’s degree in a portable career field and occupation.
Learn more >
ETI’s Business Office Information Technology (BOIT) Program is approved to be funded under the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), which helps eligible New York residents pay tuition at approved schools in New York State. Depending on the academic year, an annual TAP award can be up to $5,165. Because TAP is a grant, it does not have to be paid back. Visit hesc.ny.gov/pay-for-college/apply-for-financial-aid/nys-tap for more info.
Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33): ETI provides training, funded by Veterans Affairs. Based on eligibility, the VA can pay up to 100% of the student's tuition. Learn more >
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) (Chapter 31): This program assists Veterans with service-connected disabilities to prepare for, find, and keep suitable jobs. Learn more >
The Veterans of Foreign Wars offers eligible veterans the VFW's Sport Clips Help A Hero Scholarship, which provides service members and veterans up to $5,000 per semester in financial assistance they need to complete their educational goals without incurring excessive student loan debt.
ETI will refund the unused portion of prepaid tuition and fees on a pro rata basis. The exact proration will be determined on the ratio of the number of days of instruction completed by the student to the total number of instructional days in the course. Any amount in excess of $10 for an enrollment fee or registration fee will also be prorated.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) was established in compliance with the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and continues under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The purpose of the ETPL is to present a broad and diverse selection of training choices to support employment goals of individuals. Emerging Technologies Institute is listed on both the New York State ETPL as well as the State of New Jersey ETPL as an approved training provider.

Unless payment arrangements have been made with ETI, tuition and all fees for each term are due and payable by the first day of attendance. The cost of tuition, registration and any other fees are listed elsewhere in this catalog. Any student who fails to make payment within 10 days after the payment is due will be charged a delinquency fee. Continuing failure of a student to meet their financial obligations to the school may result in the student not being allowed to attend classes.
The Tuition Reimbursement Fund of the State of New York is designed to protect the financial interests of students attending proprietary schools. If a school closes while you are in attendance and prior to the completion of your educational program, then you may be eligible for a refund of all tuition expenses that you have paid. If you drop out of school before completion and file a complaint against the school with the New York State Department of Education, you may be eligible for a tuition refund if the State proves your complaint is valid and that the school is in violation of New York State Education law. Please refer to the Grievance section of the catalog for contact information for the New York State Education Department.
The refund policy for in-classroom programs can be found on Pages 16 - 17 of the academic catalog.
Refund Policy (Online Programs)
A student who cancels within 7 days of registering but before instruction begins receives all monies returned with the exception of the non-refundable registration fee.
Thereafter, a student will be liable for:
The non-refundable registration fee, plus
The cost of any textbooks or supplies accepted, plus
Tuition liability based on whether or not the student accessed the online course/program. Total tuition liability is limited to the quarter during which the student withdrew or was terminated, and any previous quarters completed.
Once the online course/program starts and/or the student accesses the program, a refund will be issued to the student upon request received within the first seven days. Refund requests must be received by email at admissions@emergingtech.edu. The school will keep 20% of the tuition charges.
No refund will be granted for an online course/program after seven days of the start date.
Exchange: A student will be allowed to exchange with another course/program of equivalent or lesser value, if the course/program is not accessed within 15 days of purchase. An exchange request must be received by email at admissions@emergingtech.edu. No exchange will be granted if the request is more than 15 days after the start date.
The student refund may be more than that stated above if the accrediting agency refund policy results in a greater refund.
You may ask any questions relating to this Refund Policy via the contact form or by sending an email to admissions@emergingtech.edu.